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Pony Plush Tutorials and Pattern



To think I’ve had this thing since mid May and I’m just now getting around to posting it because I needed to finish some tutorials. :saddummy: Nevertheless, I thank the Lord that I was able to finally find the time to post it along with the tutorials. Of course there’s more yet to come! :eager:

Body Side is here:
Print these at 300 DPI and you should get right at a 8" x 10.5" print well within a letter sized paper.

:iconyoutube-plz:… :iconyoutube-plz:

In full 1080 HD! :D So you can see all the cracks in my hands. ^^'

I admit it’s probably not the best, but I tried. :iconrarityawkwardplz: Hopefully I’ll get better as time progresses. :nod:

Want an electronic plush kit to make your own LED Luna? Support me on Patreon! :iconpatreon-plz: :D

You may notice the premium download that costs points. It includes vector formats for Photoshop .PSD, Illustrator .AI, AutoCAD Interchange File .DXF, and Portrait Silhouette .Studio files. It’s also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, but purchasing it will encourage me to keep making tutorials even if you don’t use it! :la: I mean let’s be honest, this pattern isn’t all that hot. ^^;

Don’t forget my contest. :meow: It ends the 25th!

:thumb496480478: :thumb492979291: :thumb478984104: :thumb489372806: :thumb468434381:

See more plushies here:…
Image size
2400x3150px 397.4 KB
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Hey I wanted to credit you I used a piece of your pattern but only the front gusset for the head of my nyx plush it helps make a wider forehead but that's the only piece I used I usually use my own original patterns anyway is it alright with you if I make the front gusset a permanent part of my own patterns? Although I can't credit each and every plush it would be crazy plus I had a bit of a time finding you pls understand.